Hello there adventurers and welcome to Wally DM! Now available on DriveThruRPG is my Journal of Puzzle Encounters. Within this journal you will find 60 puzzles that you can use to add an element of mystery, intrigue and fun to your fantasy role-playing games.
Your players will have their characters swapping out gems of an owl statue to open doors, turning their hand to stone to unlock a portal, or tasting a cube to see if its bitter or sweet in order to solve a puzzle.
Also included is a table of 100 weird rooms that you can use to populate your dungeons and bring out the creativity of both yourself and your players.
As you peruse the puzzles within these pages please remember that each puzzle is simply an idea for you to use “as is” or as the foundation of building your own encounters and ideas.
In a style of puzzles supported by thousands of wonderful subscribers to the Wally DM YouTube channel, the Journal of Puzzle Encounters will provide your table with legendary stories and moments they will always remember!

Available in Digital PDF, Hardcover or Softcover, this D&D puzzle book has sold over 220 copies in less than 48 hours and has earned the SILVER Medal on DriveThruRPG. It is currently #10 on the DriveThruRPG Best Sellers List and #1 on the Hottest Small Press List. The PDF version is ranked #2 on the Most Popular under $5 category.
Wally DM introduces the Journal of Puzzle Encounters
If you want more of puzzles just like these, be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel, Wally DM. Tune in for a new puzzle video every month!
On to the next!