I’ve recently started playing Skyrim on the Nintendo Switch and have found that the puzzles in the game, while easy, are inspiring. With that in mind, I have converted two of my favorite puzzles from Skyrim to Dungeons & Dragons™ game. The first one is outlined here and is nearly identical to the puzzle in Skyrim’s Yngol Barrow. Simply continue reading and you will be able to run the Nordic Pillar Puzzle in your D&D game.
The second puzzle, Golden Claw Skyrim Puzzle for D&D, is available in PDF form on Patreon for Patrons of the $2 level or higher. This puzzle is vastly different from what you will find in Elder Scrolls V Skyrim. Of course, you can simply watch the full demonstration on YouTube where I combine both of these puzzles in an easy to understand tutorial so you can run them in your D&D game.
You will enjoy today’s D&D Puzzles if:
- You are a Dungeon Master that likes puzzles in your D&D game
- You or your players are familiar with Elder Scrolls V Skyrim
- If you want a fun encounter that your players will always remember
How to Run Skyrim Puzzles in Dungeons and Dragons
Yngol Barrow Pillar Puzzle for D&D
Type: Exploration Puzzle / Lock & Key Puzzle
Location: Dungeon, Temple, Museum, Crypt
Multi-Room: No
Difficulty: Easy
Combine with: Skyrim Dragon Claw Puzzle – Download on Patreon
KEYS: No items are needed to solve the puzzle.
THE PUZZLE: Our puzzle will be divided into three different rooms. The first puzzle needs to be completed to open the secret door to the east, but the book in the room will also provide a hint on opening the main chamber door.
The Skyrim Puzzle Room
SETUP: This room contains three of the Skyrim Nordic Puzzle Pillars, a Lectern with an open book and a throne made of stone.
The throne is eccentric and although made of stone, portions of it have crumbled over time. A DC15 Investigation check will reveal that the throne acts as a pressure plate. On a roll of 20 or higher, the PC can determine that the throne and the three pillars are connected somehow.
The pillars have three sides to them. They can easily be rotated so that the other sides can be facing front. Each of the three pillars have the following emblems, one on each side: Eagle, Snake, and Whale.
Pillar 1: This pillar bathes in sunlight. Taking a closer look, there is a hole in the ceiling of this cavern above the pillar. Sunlight is pouring in through the crack and the sky can be seen above. PCs do not need to roll to acquire this information.
Pillar 2: If a PC is proficient in perception, or rolls a DC12 perception check, they will notice that the area around this pillar seems to be loose. Some stones can be removed to see that there is water underneath this area. However, only a portion of the ground can be removed. The rest of the flooring in the cavern is quite solid.
Pillar 3: This pillar has plant life that is growing around the base of it. No roll is required to gather this information.
The open book looks weathered and worn. A DC12 investigation check will reveal that if the book is moved, it will crumble and be destroyed.
The book is open to the page that the characters will need. On the right-hand side of the book is an image of a flying metal scarab (see image) being held in the palm of a hand. The scarab image is referencing part 2 of this puzzle, The Iron Dragon Claw Puzzle.
On the left-hand side is the following script:
Whale in the sea, so should it be
Eagle in Sun’s Sky, so should it be
Snake in the weed, so should it be
Man in his throne, so should it be
The throne is eccentric and although made of stone, portions of it have crumbled over time. A DC15 Investigation check will reveal that the throne acts as a pressure plate. On a roll of 20 or higher, the PC can determine that the throne and the three pillars are connected somehow.
SOLUTION: The answer is quite simple actually. The answer corresponds to the information in the book. The pillars need to be rotated as follows:
Pillar 1: Eagle in the Sky.
The sky is visible above this pillar.
Pillar 2: Whale in the Sea.
There is water underneath this pillar.
Pillar 3: Snake in the Weed.
This pillar is surrounded with grass, weeds and vines.
And finally, man in the throne. One of the PCs will need to sit in the throne with the pillars in the correct position. When this is done, a secret door to the East will open taking them to the main chamber and the next puzzle.
Hope you enjoyed the puzzle! Be sure to check out part 2 of the puzzle in my D&D Skyrim Puzzle on YouTube or download the written version here: Skyrim D&D Puzzles PDF
On to the next!