Creepy D&D Magic Items for Halloween or Horror Campaigns

Hello there adventurers and welcome to Wally DM. Below are 6 Creepy Magic Items for Halloween or any horror-inspired campaign. I hope you are able to use these in your game and that your players find them fun and valuable.

D&D Creepy Magic Items

Scroll down for instant access to 6 of my 13 Creepy Magic Items, homebrewed by Wally DM. If you would like these in a nice and neat PDF that you can print out for your own personal use, then please use one of the links below to get your copy today!

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Free PDF of 6 Creepy Magic Items for D&D

Of course, if you’d like all 13 available Magic Items, you can unlock those by joining us on Patreon!
13 Creepy Magic Items for D&D

d6 Magic Item Type Item
1 Jar of Eyeballs Wondrous Item – Rare Jar that contains 2d12 Squishy Eyes
2 Figurine of Wondrous Power – Black Cat Wondrous Item – Rare Miniature Onyx Figurine of a Black Cat
3 Strahd’s Instant Coffin Wonderous Item – Rare Miniature 4 Inch Wooden Coffin
4 Bucket of Candy Corn Wonderous Item – Very Rare Red & White striped Bucket
5 Cap of Maleenko Wonderous Item – Rare Jester Style Clown Cap
6 Voodoo Doll of Pain Wonderous Item, Rare Featureless Plush Doll

Jar of Eyeballs

Wondrous Item, Rare
Once per day, an eyeball may be removed from the jar. The eye has a flying speed of 30 feet. You may direct and control the eyeball and see through it as if it were your own eye. Use your skills and modifiers if a Stealth check is required.
If the eye moves more than 120ft away from you, it will splat on the ground. Duration is 1 hour. A Jar of Eyeballs will have 4d6 eyes in it when found.
Skeletal Hand of the Law
Wondrous Item, Rare (Requires Attunement by a Lawful humanoid)
This skeletal hand will write what you command it to write. It will write in your handwriting and in any language that you are able to write in.
The hand can crawl about however you command, but it cannot climb. It can grasp items, but cannot move them if they are heavier than a writing quill.
The skeletal hand has incredible insight. Once per day, you can ask the hand if a creature is telling the truth. The hand will right True or False on the parchment.
The hand also has knowledge of law and government. Any History check made to recall information about the local law or government can be made at advantage.

Figurine of Wonderous Power – BLACK CAT

Wonderous Item, Rare

Throw the figure into an unoccupied space and it becomes a black house cat. If the cat is within 5’ of you, all melee attacks made against you are at disadvantage. If the cat is within 5’ of anyone else those creatures have disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws. The cat has 1hp and turns back into a figure if killed, if commanded by the user, or after 1 minute. The Black Cat may only be used once every 13 hours.
Throw the figure into an unoccupied space and it becomes a black house cat.
If the cat is within 5’ of you, all melee attacks made against you are at disadvantage. If the cat is within 5’ of anyone else those creatures have disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws.
The cat has 1hp and turns back into a figure if killed, if commanded by the user, or after 1 minute. The Black Cat may only be used once every 13 hours.

Strahd’s Instant Coffin

Wondrous Item, Rare

This is a small 4 inch wooden coffin. When placed in an unoccupied space and a command word is spoken the miniature will enlarge to a full sized wooden coffin measuring 2 1/2 x 7 feet.
You can lie in the coffin for the duration of a short rest. When you do, you gain all of the benefits of a long rest.
After your rest, your maximum Hit Points are permanently reduced by 1d4 HP. With the exception of a wish spell, nothing can be used to prevent or restore this loss of HP.
The coffin will only function in this manner once every 13 days.

Bag of Candy Corn

Wonderous Item, Very Rare

Once per day, you may say a command word to magically fill this red and white striped bucket with candy corn. There are 20 pieces altogether. If eaten, each piece of candy corn will heal 1hp of damage.
If one individual eats 6 pieces of Candy Corn, then a Lesser Restoration effect (blinded, deafened, paralyzed, or poisoned) is applied in addition to the healing.
If 12 pieces of Candy Corn are eaten by one individual then they will receive the effects of a Greater Restoration in addition to the healing.
Anyone consuming 13 or more pieces of candy corn within a 24 hour period will become poisoned, take 2d4 poison damage, and will negate any effects of the healing.

Cap of Maleenko

Wondrous Item, Rare (Requires Attunement)

You gain proficiency in the Intimidation Skill. You can use a bonus action to activate this cap and make your face appear to be that of an evil clown. When activated, you may roll two dice and take the higher number when making an Intimidation check. This effect lasts for 6 seconds and can be used once per day.
As a static effect, you have the uncanny knack of being able to juggle. When juggling two or more items you may roll two dice and take the higher result on performance checks to juggle items.

Voodoo Doll of Pain

Wonderous Item, Rare

This is a plain looking plush doll that comes with three voodoo pins. Using an action, the owner of the item can have the doll magically take on the features of a small to medium sized humanoid they can see within 30 feet.
Once the doll resembles a humanoid, the owner of the doll can take a pin and insert it into the plush doll causing 3d6 points of piercing damage. The target may make a Wisdom saving throw to negate the effect. The doll may be used in this manner using all three pins. Each one takes an action. The voodoo doll can only be commanded to resemble a humanoid and used once per day.

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