Hey all! I am keeping up with my goal to post a new D&D puzzle every month on the Wally DM YouTube channel. Today, I’m excited to announce that the March 2019 edition has been posted on YouTube and ready for viewing!
Today’s puzzle:
Our adventuring party has found a chamber with 12 pedestals in a circle forming what seems to be an analog clock. Each pedestal has a tablet that can be turned over to reveal a number, written out in the Common language. On the wall is a message… perhaps a clue as to what to do with the tablets on the pedestal. Will your adventurers be on time for their appointment at 3:33? Let’s see!
This is one of the first “subscriber-submitted” puzzles I have highlighted on the channel. It was submitted by one of my YouTube subscriber Jolzeres.
Hope you like the puzzle! And don’t forget to subscribe to the channel for our “Puzzle of the Month”.